Monday, February 9, 2009

The Start of a New Week

Monday. Mom got up well ahead of her usual 9 a.m. routine - a good sign. Groggy and not necessarily any more aware, she had a little breakfast this morning. The swelling in her abdomen has gone down, not completely, but an improvement from the weekend.

Mom is seeing her oncologist this afternoon. Except for the worst days, I've noticed that she perks up just a little for the doctor visits. Getting out is good for her and she needs the stimulation of movement, the weather and interacting with other people.

She ate a little at lunchtime as well, and she's been taking in some fluids. I reminded dad to tell the oncologist to prescribe something for her pain.

I'm hoping that this is a nasty chapter for her, and nothing else. Chemo takes people to the edge and brings them back all the time. I don't know what toll the weeks of malnutrition and dehydration have done to her.

Dad is guarded. I don't think he wants to allow for optimism at this point. It's hard to be swinging on that pendulum, knowing that eventually, disappointment and more rough times can be just a mere shift in the wind.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your updates. They are so touching and personal and I appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts with us. I am thinking of you all and am praying for your family.
