Thursday, March 19, 2009

A New Cycle

Finally strong enough again to give chemo another shot, Mom started back on Xeloda this week. This time, she's one a one week on, one week off cycle.

Back into their normal routine, dad is still cautious and a little left of optimistic, but his stress level is way back into the managable zone. He's getting out to do all of the "things" he does and when I asked him for some help digging up some old documents, he jumped at the chance, and couldn't wait to hang up the phone so he could get started. A month ago, a request like that would have been about the same as asking him to drive an auger through his skull.
Life stuff has kept me from getting up to see them the past couple of weeks. I feel like I'm slipping back into complacency and a little guilty that as soon as mom's health turned back around, I got on with whatever it was I have going on.

I'm hopeful that this time she'll feel good enough to make a short trip to San Antonio, or maybe to the coast. The last time we went to Port Aransas with them, Owen was about 6 months old. He's 5 now...

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